Being Meaningful

Weaving Soma-Reflective Technological Mediations into the Fabric of Daily Life
TEI 2023 Studio, February 26, 2023 @ University of Warsaw, Poland & Online


Please get in touch regarding late proposal submissions.

In order to attend this Studio, we ask that you submit a short position "paper." This position should provide details about a relevant data stream, probe, or interaction paradigm which you are working with or would like to explore, and what aspects of soma-reflective strategies and/or flexible materials you are have incorporated already or plan to in the future to benefit your research. We further encourage you to include photos and videos related to materials and prototypes and any other work you wish to discuss.

The position “paper” can be one of the following (we're ~flexible!~):

  • Short Paper: outline your interest using the ACM SIGCHI Extended Abstract Format (maximum of 4 pages)
  • 1-2 Minute Video/Visual Portfolio: demonstrate materials you are working with and how they can be used in reflective interaction.
  • Accepted Paper: Previously published/accepted work at TEI or similar conference (CHI, DIS, NIME, C&C, etc.) or journal, which demonstrates your experience in the topic area (NB: these will not be shared directly on the Studio site).

You may wish to focus on the following research questions, to be examined in the Studio, to structure your position:

  1. What are some aspects of individuality and plurality in HCI research which are currently not being addressed? What elements are relevant to your work and where should we focus our attention through soma-reflective design?
  2. How can we actively incorporate resistance to objectivity and overgeneralisation in design, upholding the tenets of the Soma Design Manifesto, and design for living and well-being in our own work?
  3. How can we utilise existing methods and technology (e.g., flexible materials, e-textiles, handicraft, biodata sensing, etc.) to address the soma and individual experiences? How might these be applied in different research fields?
  4. How can we play to our own strengths and knowledge to collaboratively address these design concerns, share knowledge, and form a multi-disciplinary community around these principles?

We are especially interested, but not exclusively, in submissions around:

  • E-Textiles, Wearable Computing, and On-body Sensing
  • Somaesthetic Appreciation Design and Interaction
  • Artistic Interaction (Music, Dance, Fine Arts, etc.)
  • Health and Well-being
  • Identity, Personal Experiences with Technology
  • Biodata Sensing and Biofeedback
  • Multimodal Sensory Feedback and Ambient Displays
  • Organic Materials

We've put some inspiring research, installations, and designs on our Inspiration page - you might want to take a look here, to spark your creativity for your position paper!

Accepted submissions will be featured here, on the workshop’s website ( and will be used to generate intial discussion on the day of the Studio.

All positions must be in an accessible format, including alt-text for any images or diagrams in the paper.

This Studio will take place in a hybrid fashion both at the TEI conference in Warsaw and online. Upon acceptance, at least one of the authors must register for both the workshop and for at least one day of the main conference.